Caravaca Town
Caravaca de la Cruz is a city and Spanish municipality belonging to the Region of Murcia. Capital and administrative center of the Northwest region and head of the Judicial Party of Caravaca de la Cruz. It has a population of 25,851 inhabitants (INE 2015), and its extension is of 859,51 km ². It is located at 625 meters above sea level.
Caravaca de la Cruz is a place of reference for the cult of the Catholic Church since since 1998, during the papacy of John Paul II, is listed as one of the eight holy cities of this religious denomination1 when having the privilege of celebrating Jubilee Year In perpetuity every seven years around the Santísima and Vera Cruz de Caravaca. The first of these took place in 2003 and had the visit of Cardinal Ratzinger, later elected Pope as Benedict XVI. By this circumstance, and by the own name of the Municipality, also is known like “The City of the Cross”.
In addition to being known for the Christian relic and its beautiful Old Town of medieval origin, it is also known for the Festivities in honor of the same, celebrated between the 1st and 5th of May each year, declared of International Tourist Interest in 2004 Along with the processions and parades of Moors and Christians, it is especially relevant the celebration of the Wine Horses, which currently aspires to be declared an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by Unesco.
Click here to see Caravaca Pilgrimage
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